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24th March 2018, 15:56
3 to do but cannot parse them so explanations as to how you arrived at the answers please.
A) Give a sparkling performance? (9) C?R?S???? I can only think of 'coruscant' but why 'performance'?
B) Band needs drink when travelling round Ulster (5) ??n?a. Pretty sure it's NOT tea + ni = tenia. Band is confusing me.
C) Beam - not right ahead, more towards the stern (5) ????R. Laser? Anger? Aft+er?
All these clues are intersecting so if one is wrong it makes the others wrong.
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24th March 2018, 16:04
TENIA is an alternative spelling for "taenia", which, amongst other things, is a decorative band in architecture (more familiar as a tapeworm!)
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24th March 2018, 16:05
coruscate is a verb, so matches "give" better?
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stevie gee

24th March 2018, 16:05
B Tenia can also be a band or ribbon worn in ancient Greece.
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24th March 2018, 16:07
C (R)After
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24th March 2018, 16:09
But coruscant is the adjective as is sparkling!?
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24th March 2018, 16:16
I am happy with tenia and after now but still confused whether to put coruscant or coruscate.
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24th March 2018, 16:21
Give a sparkling performance is a verbal phrase, hence CORUSCATE; you can't just pick out "sparkling" and decide that the answer should be an adjective.
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24th March 2018, 16:25
The definition should be at the very beginning or the end of a clue so I'd go for the verb coruscate.
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24th March 2018, 16:28
You say potato, I say potato
You say tomato, I say tomato
Coruscant, coruscate
Coruscant, coruscate
Maybe I've had en-off?
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