Sympathies with Jogamel here. To be honest, the tricky clues, because of the nature of (quite a long) preamble, if reproduced, might distract possible helpers here. There are twelve random definitions scattered throughout the clues. These definitions are of 12 entries which are clued for shorter words taken from sequential letters within the longer defined words. e.g
A random definition is to be removed from another clue = "someone behind hanging" (23Ac Type B clue)
The answer is GALLOWSMAKER , but the clue at that entry is "Look fierce and good at a more basic level" Answer GLOWER (You can find these letters sequentially in GALLOWSMAKER). Type A clue.
Just to make things even more complicated there is a third clue type where a letter must be restored. The restored letters spelling a description of the (12) type A full words.
If the person asking the question is unsure of the clue type, then it's pretty difficult to interpret what they are after.