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16th March 2018, 20:11
Congrats tatters and thanks mattrom (I suspect that you might have chosen your prize after the result was clear!) Thanks for the vote, tatters, and the mention, dorrien.

[I once got attached to a "Morris Tour", inveigled into it by a friend who was one of the dancers. It seemed to involve me hitting a drum and going to lots of pubs.]
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16th March 2018, 20:20
Nice one, Tatters! Cheers, Mattrom.
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16th March 2018, 20:56
Congratulations, tatters, and thanks, mattrom. Thanks also to ginge for the mention.
We have a radio program called "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me!" One of the features every week is a segment with three news stories, one of which is real, the other two having been made up by panelists. A guest has to guess which story is the real one. One week one of the stories was that someone in the UK had developed an app that warned drivers that there was Morris dancing ahead so that it could be avoided. I thought for sure that it was true, and was disappointed to find that it wasn't.
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16th March 2018, 21:03
Congrats Tatters. I'm pleased to have picked the winner.
Thanks to Mattrom for hosting, to Bobs mum for the vote and Dorrien for the mention.

Aristo. We see quite a lot of Morris men down here in the SW of England.
I went out with one years ago. Although it doesn't do anything for me I do know that they need to be very fit!
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16th March 2018, 21:40
Well done Tatters, and Thanks Mattrom for word and clip!

Thank you very much Fieryjack for your vote, and Ginge and
Dorrien for your mention - All greatly appreciated!
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16th March 2018, 22:11
Congrats tatters. Thanks mattrom. Thanks for the votes, bbm and paul, and thanks for the mentions, chrise and fj.

Decades ago, a mate set up a women's Morris side - to help him meet ladies!
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16th March 2018, 22:21
Showing my ignorance, are Morris dancers groups usually only made up of men then?
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16th March 2018, 22:41
Women do to.
Tx Mattrrom and congrats Tatters, I could have voted for it too but was sure about the def
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17th March 2018, 07:58
Thanks to all of you for the various votes and mentions and a big thumbs-up to Mattrom for choosing a word which offered such a wide variety of cluing possibilities. Hope I can find something almost as good for next week. Thanks again.
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17th March 2018, 09:48
Congratulations tatters, thanks (as always) aristo for your vote and the mention fiery, cheers mattrom.
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