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28th February 2018, 18:38
Well done heathcliff. Thanks therogue.
41 of 52  -   Report This Post


28th February 2018, 19:17
Very nice heathcliff, thanks to therogue and cheers for the mention.
42 of 52  -   Report This Post


28th February 2018, 19:49
Nice one, Heathcliff!. We may be of a similar vintage. I almost submitted something along the lines of "He and Ilya shared an uncle" or " suffered from thrush." Cheers, the Rogue, and thanks for the honourable mention. Welcome and welcome back to newcomers and returnees respectively.
43 of 52  -   Report This Post


28th February 2018, 20:15
Congratulations, heathcliff, and thanks for the gracious acknowledgement, therogue.
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28th February 2018, 20:20
Well done Heathcliff, and thanks for the mention Therogue -
Great job of hosting and picking the winner!
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28th February 2018, 21:19
Well done, Heathcliff. Thanks for the mention, Therogue - I thought it was a good word to clue.
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28th February 2018, 21:26
Thank you very much, therogue, for hosting and, of course, judging. Thank you also to everyone who has offered congratulations and comments.

A very appropriate video clip, and one which I have watched previously several times. It is in one of my You Tube playlists and so it is indeed apt. I remember the contest in '74. I was aged 7 at the time and was allowed to stay up and hear Olivia Newton John sign Long Live Love as she sang second in the running order, but was ushered off to bed promptly afterwards; so I missed the original performance of this classic.

Eurovision was different in those days. Top artists with genuinely good songs and fine performances. Although everyone from that time remembers Abba I personally rate Vicky Leandros's Apres Toi from '72 as the finest winning song, and the UK entry that year Beg, Steal or Borrow by the New Seekers as arguably the best song never to win. Cliff's Congratulations comes close, mind you, and he lost out due to political shenanigans by Franco.

Hope to see everyone next Tuesday.
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28th February 2018, 21:52
Congratulations Heathcliff
Cheers Therogue
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28th February 2018, 22:22
Lovely clue, heathcliff67, well done.
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1st March 2018, 08:26
Glad you enjoyed your prize heathcliff! I don't remember 'Apres toi' I'll YouTube that one when I get a chance.
All the best,
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