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24th February 2018, 13:34
30d is a silly clue, I think. Defn is "of it".
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24th February 2018, 13:50
36a 2 letter synonym for it ( has been used more than once already in this puzzle i believe) + 2 letter synonym for soul.... defn yemeni people
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24th February 2018, 14:37
Thanks both. I had an inkling about 36A, but couldn't find anything that would then fit 30D - which does seem a bit of an odd clue, although I can now see how it works.
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24th February 2018, 14:39
For a while I thought 30D might be ETH, which would have been quite clever.
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24th February 2018, 14:45
Nelson, am up for a big hint if you feel you could share a little. Perhaps where the perimeter quotation begins...or whatever you think appropriate,....
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24th February 2018, 15:25
top left corner starts 1,4......the author is in 2 rows symmetrically when you change a letter in each
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24th February 2018, 16:07
Thanks xwordfan.
Your hint gave me the first two words.
I guessed the third word.
Googled the three and the quote and the author appeared.
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24th February 2018, 21:36
Found the author quite quickly, then the quote. Thank you...might have given up without help.
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2nd March 2018, 07:50
Can I have an ever bigger hint for 30d and 36a please. I've solved everything else. I've got "NTH" and "HABU" for no real good reason!
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2nd March 2018, 08:04
36 is just the two letter abbreviation for It, attraction, that's only ever used in crosswords, followed by a two-letter word for the soul in Egyptian religion. The resulting word/answer is another word for Sheba, Yemeni people.

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