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23rd February 2018, 10:52
54a One alternative for prince of the future (4) T?*E

49d ... head overstepping abandoned it (3) NO*

* common letter

to-be and nob would fit the defns ???
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23rd February 2018, 11:26
54a Prince Hamlet's other alternative was 'not to be'.

49d NOB would make sense if the ellipsis at the start indicated that ALL were to be brought forward from the preceding clue - NO-BALL ('overstepping') abandoning ALL = NOB.
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23rd February 2018, 11:30

Think: "To be, or not to be"!
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23rd February 2018, 14:31
Thank you jacknatter and nemo
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24th February 2018, 10:28
Good morning everyone. I see many of you have a head start on me.
Please help with a couple of clues as I am thinking I must be missing something in the preamble perhaps:
42d: $100 being ground rent (4) I have CE?K
13d: Dent, perhaps, part of Moore’s work? (6) I have ?R?HU?
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24th February 2018, 10:45
jogamel, for 13D think of a character in Hitchhiker's Guide to Universe, whose first name was also the title of a film starring Dudley Moore.
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24th February 2018, 10:46
13a Arthur dent
42d cens c (100) + ens (being)...(52a snar)...snarK would be the literary beast
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24th February 2018, 10:47
For 52A I think you are on the right track, but it's the K you need to lose from the beast.
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24th February 2018, 11:01
Thank you all. So far so good. Still a good way to go. Such a lovely day here. Must go out soon.
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24th February 2018, 12:58
I have the quotation and the author, but not 30D or 36A. A nudge with either would be very appreciated.
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