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14th February 2018, 17:57
Apologies- forgot this was the RT thread.
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14th February 2018, 18:42
Thanks. I had the answer but don't understand the significance of "pilot".
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14th February 2018, 18:50
As in "pilot programme", "pilot scheme" etc - an early version which may later be adapted?
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14th February 2018, 19:03
Thanks. Now I see. Didn't think of pilot in that sense!
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19th February 2018, 12:52
Finished all but 19d - "Provocation, getting cross over books" (5) The only thing I can think of is `taunt` but can`t see the connection with cross or books ! Help appreciated. Mags.
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19th February 2018, 12:55
TAU can be a type of cross; NT (New Testament) is the "books" (NT and OT are worth remembering for crosswords)
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19th February 2018, 13:08
Thank you,Chris e! You`ve taught me something today. NT and OT I know, but have never heard of `tau`. I hope \i can remember it for future clues ! Mags.
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