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4th February 2018, 17:32
Oxymoron - Schadenfreude's Sunday name - is more baffling than usual today. 15 answers are to be inserted normally; the rest have to have "partial" treatment. I have about 2/3 of the clues solved, but can see nothing in common in the various answers, most of which by the nature of things need the adjustment (which is left for the solver to work out). Has anyone got any idea?
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4th February 2018, 17:51

I am struggling too. I have no idea what the treatment is. I dont usually do Oxymoron ones as they are not interesting.

Is 8d accurate? or should it be North of Maine as it is a down clue.
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4th February 2018, 18:27
The 'Necessary' is 'money'. We have to unscramble the monetary units in the answers before entry.
For example 1dn has a 4 letter unit entered after the first letter (the first and last two letters of the answer go either side of it).
I didn't enjoy this at all - hope you have more fun.
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4th February 2018, 18:41

Oh thanks - I see it now. So Boneyard is entered as Boyenard.

I can see why you didnt enjoy it. I dont think I will bother.
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4th February 2018, 19:09
Thank you Drxx. If Jigjag is right about how boneyard is entered it means that 24 across must be altered as well somewhere towards the end and I cannot see where the change takes place. Time now to find a list of currencies, old and new.
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4th February 2018, 19:46
I can't say I blame you jigjag - you can take three letters (including a vowel) at random and get a unit of currency more often than not.
Not a particularly difficult task for the setter, but someone as devious as sch/oxy will get an awful lot of them into a grid.
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4th February 2018, 23:16
Do any answers have the same "necessary" in them or are they all different? e.g 34a and 40a could both have lek?
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4th February 2018, 23:19
....but i can now see an alternative "necessary" for 40a ???
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4th February 2018, 23:48
Mine appear to be different each time.
Crossing answers/entries sometimes favour one or other of the possible thematic items, so some possibilities remain in the grid (they would disrupt other items or non-thematic answers if they were altered too).
As for the one you've mentioned Scarlett, there's a third possibility around that area.
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5th February 2018, 10:25
I have the answers for the goddess at 42a and 21d the payment at carnoustie but can't get them to fit together ?? i must be missing a "necessary" somewhere or putting one in when i don't need one!?
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