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3rd February 2018, 09:56
Any help with the scissor work please
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3rd February 2018, 13:01
Still at your stage Scarlett. Anyone help?
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3rd February 2018, 16:14
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3rd February 2018, 18:22
Really frustrated to still be at the same stage. A really quick grid fill , followed by hours of fiddling with the cutouts, to no effect. I would also appreciate a nudge. I'm guessing the phrase will appear in the top row, but that might be a little premature.
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3rd February 2018, 18:36
There is a diagonal SW to NE which is 8 cells in length. But I can't see what to do with it. Got no where with the jigsaw part. Maybe some pieces (3 of them?) need to be rotated.
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3rd February 2018, 18:56
Nni, I think you're on to something. Take the whole diagonal and add the same letter. I've only managed 6 rather than the seven asked for. Then Google the phrase and a name should come up. I've managed to arrange the cutouts into her name and an anagram of her profession in a 5 X 5 square. Just bothered by the 6 additions rather than 7 now.
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3rd February 2018, 19:03
antmark... sorry for being slow...but what do you mean "add the same letter" to that diagonal?
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3rd February 2018, 19:05
The profession appears normally, not as an anagram. Also not all of the pieces are necessarily the way up that you might expect.
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3rd February 2018, 19:06
If I take 8 letters along that diagonal I get ON THE EAH, but I cannot see which letter(s) I have got wrong. And I'm afraid I don't understand what adding the same letter at the end means.
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3rd February 2018, 19:06
I mean the same letter several times. Sorry for not being clearer. A bit tongue-tied perhaps?
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