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9th January 2018, 16:52
One of the things I used to teach, elle!
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9th January 2018, 16:56
In fact, in a sense "centrifugal force" doesn't exist. If you swing something heavy round on a string, it feels like it is pulling away from the centre, but this is just the "equal and opposite reaction" to the centripetal force of the string holding the object "in orbit". You can easily demonstrate this - if you swing something round like this, then let go of the string, in which direction does it go? Not "outwards" from where you were holding it!
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9th January 2018, 17:12
I - naturally - had to have a go at this , Chris!
But the object I was swinging shot across the room away from me when I let go?
(I didn't break anything!)
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9th January 2018, 17:19
Yes, it doesn't go outwards, but carries on in the direction it was going at the instant you let go. It's the principle of the sling (as used by David in the bible).

I'm glad that I'm not responsible for any breakages, though!
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