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8th January 2018, 07:56
I suspect that I may have something wrong because, stare as I may, I still cannot see what needs highlighting. Time for work and another look later.
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8th January 2018, 07:58
AP, Nil desperandum....
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8th January 2018, 13:13
Thank you Malone. I will have a good look later.
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8th January 2018, 14:28
Think latin for the theme word alwayspuzzled
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8th January 2018, 14:40
I have a full grid and the the phrase, but can't see the connection between the phrase and the thematic clues/answers. I must be incredibly thick ! Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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8th January 2018, 15:08
Look up phrase in Chambers.

The definition is what you should have done to the amended clues.
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8th January 2018, 15:28
Thank you, djawhufc, I know the's just that I thought there might be something more mysterious that I'd missed !
Thanks again.
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8th January 2018, 17:05
Still trying solve the clues! Can anyone help? I had NARGHILY for 6dn and OILCAN for 24ac, but am not convinced. Can anyone give hints if these are not correct?

6d Shorter round lifted tennis player: how victorious Nadal might cry (8) N???H???
24ac it helps maintain smooth work of cycling loop all the way (6) O??C??

Thank you.
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8th January 2018, 17:22
6 D. It's one of those words that I'd hyphenate, but is one word in crosswords! The round is golf, which is usually... The victorious Nadal bit is as the end of the word - a three-letter cheer, used in Spain.

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8th January 2018, 17:37
Thank you, malone.
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