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7th January 2018, 16:38
With all the jink that's appeared today I'm not sure that there isn't a thread for today's EV already. If so, my apologies.

I have a full grid with the PDM satisfactorily discovered- but what on earth is wanted for the 18-letter highlighting? I can find a vaguely relevant 11-letter word (including a 90 degree turn), but then I'm stuck.
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7th January 2018, 16:40
I'm sure your 'vaguely relevant' word will help - it's a more straightforward (literally) answer.
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7th January 2018, 18:11
I have an almost full grid -just need the thematic entry at 20 across - but then I am in the same position as Cockie. The final word searches always flummox me.
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7th January 2018, 18:21
10a Dropping off friend at heart hospital's resident (6) ?N????
12a Spenser used this steep space to concoct verse's ending (7) ?M?????
37a Lays out European base for exile (6)
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7th January 2018, 18:24
Now have 20 across. Just need to find the two word phrase for highlighting.
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7th January 2018, 18:29
Xwordfan, I've not yet parsed 10a but the answer is a word for a trainee doctor or by extension any trainee in a bank etc. 12a is a Spencerian word for steep in the sense of soaking something. A printing space (em ) + a 4 letter word for concoct + e ( last letter of verse ). 37 is an anagram of lays + e for European and E = base.
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7th January 2018, 18:31
Xwordfan, in 10 A the 'resident' isn't a patient.
12a. An old word for 'steep' (but not a gradient) - just put together from a usual crossword word for 'space', followed by a short word for 'concoct' and then the ending to 'verse'.
37 An anagram ('out').
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7th January 2018, 18:35
The phrase is two words on two rows. Hope that's enough - and not too much!
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7th January 2018, 18:38
Thanks malone and always puzzled ...had 2 of those but wasn't confident! Must have more faith in my answers!
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7th January 2018, 18:58
Thank you Malone. I will keep looking.
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