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5th January 2018, 21:36
Nice one, PeterM! Believe it or not, I was trying to come up with something using a Swiss army knife reference but you obviously got there before me. Cheers, Mattrom. Many thanks, Rossim, ChrisE and Pigale, for the mentions. Sincerely always appreciated.
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5th January 2018, 21:42
An excellent clue Peter, that's why I voted for you!
Thanks for your vote Jws and the mentions Chris and Pigale, always much appreciated.
Thank you for hosting Mattrom, a good word choice.
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5th January 2018, 22:01
Well, that's a nice way to start the year. Thanks, mattrom - looks like there's more to a SA Knife than meets the eye. And thanks to rossim, chrise, aristo (wrap up warmly!), dorrien and ixion for the votes.

Happy New Year to all.

See you next week.
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6th January 2018, 00:20
Congratulations Peterm
Cheers Mattrom
and obviously Sw you are correct I missed that completely
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6th January 2018, 01:56
Congrats peterm, thanks mattrom...thanks for the vote FJ...didn't notice my ersatz wasn't the original ; )
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6th January 2018, 08:03
The contrast between your advice to aristo and mine inevitably led me to this passage from Philip Pullman's "Book of dust", which I came across only yesterday!
"Those parcels. How d'you make 'em so neat?"
"Neatly, Malcolm"
"I thought neat was all right" he said.
"It depends on whether you want the idea of neatness to modify the act of tying the parcel, or to refer to the parcel itself once tied"
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6th January 2018, 11:10
Thank you, Chris. Quite right, of course. I must confess, I hadn't spotted your comment before writing mine. Had I done so, I would have written it different.
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6th January 2018, 11:13
I think Sister Benedicta's point is that either is grammatically correct, but have slightly different meanings.
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seamus, ayrshire

6th January 2018, 15:45
First of all apologies for not being able to vote yesterday due to the vagaries of the internet. Congratulations peterm and thanks to mattrom for hosting.
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