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5th January 2018, 17:19
51 of 69  -   Report This Post


5th January 2018, 17:54
Ixion @22
How could I not vote for you, my clue was awful, it did not make any sense but i was the first person to use ersatz stevea
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5th January 2018, 18:20
(Look at my @5, FJ :-) )
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5th January 2018, 20:28
Thanks to everyone who contributed so many good clues this week.
With one vote outstanding, we have an outright winner. The tally is:

1 vote each for chrise@6, ixion@22, rossim@26 and aristo@29
In second place, with 3 votes is BBM2@25.
In first place with 5 votes, is peterm @20 for his clever PDM clue

Like a Swiss army knife? Label it as reverse engineering from the East

Congratulations, peterm. Here is your prize. (It's a bit long, a few minutes is probably enough)

Cheers and wishing for a Good New Year to all.
54 of 69  -   Report This Post


5th January 2018, 20:50
Well done, peterm. Thanks mattrom.
55 of 69  -   Report This Post


5th January 2018, 21:07
Congrats peterm (nice to pick the winner). Thanks mattrom.

Very many thanks for the vote, BBM2 - I was beginning to get a bit dispirited!
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5th January 2018, 21:18
Congratulations, peterm, and thanks, mattrom. Thanks also to peterm for the vote and to chrise and pigale for the mentions.

And greetings to all from New Siberia, where centuries-old cold-temperature records are falling left and right (and by a lot). We've just dug out from another foot of snow, in vicious wind. We're expecting a HIGH of 2 F (-17 C) tomorrow and a low of -12 F (-24 C).
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5th January 2018, 21:22
well done peterm and thanks to mattrom
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5th January 2018, 21:24
Wrap up warm, aristo. (best of luck for your appalling weather forecast!)
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5th January 2018, 21:29
Congratulations Peterm - good clue.
Thanks Mattrom for hosting and a 'versatile' word!
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