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27th December 2017, 21:35
A very nice, unexpected, Christmas present! Thank you Skyewalker!

When I first saw the word late morning, I immediately had to
google it - it just meant nothing to me, even though I clicked it
was a mixture of winter and festival. But I had ever heard of
its existence and all the story around itin Birmingham etc......

Thanks also to Paul because, had I not realized that my first
clue (subsequently withdrawn) had such similarity with his own written previous to mine, I would perhaps not have racked by brain to find
something else!

Now, I must really 'rack my brain' again to try and come out with
something good for next week.

Cheers everyone, and see you Next Year!
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27th December 2017, 21:41
Felicitacions Pigake - lovely clue!
Glad I could help.....
Cheers SW!
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27th December 2017, 21:51
Congratulations, pigale, and thanks, skyewalker.
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27th December 2017, 22:10
Congrats pigale, thanks SW
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27th December 2017, 22:11
Skyewalker, Sorry - forget to thank you for the prize; nice music and
I discovered a band new to me.
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27th December 2017, 22:55
Congratulations Pigale great clue I was trying liver damage/transplant but.....
Cheers Sw, thanks for the medal and I think you know what I think of institutions
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