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27th December 2017, 12:42
When liver wants short break during season's festivities (9)
21 of 36  -   Report This Post


27th December 2017, 15:16
Break tungsten tipped bit in the middle (9)
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27th December 2017, 17:26
With less than an hour to go before I have to begin winding up my deliberations, I have, so far, a healthy 19 clues from 11 setters to consider. Thanks, everyone, for your contributions. Wasn't sure if there'd be many entries at this time of year. (Still time to slip in a quick clue!)
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27th December 2017, 18:09
Thank again, everyone, for taking the time this Winterval to devise and submit the usual crop of ingenious clues.

I was intrigued as to what the reaction to my word choice would be and have enjoyed reading the responses. As an atheist (who hypocritically joins in with all the festivities), my take on it (the word, not the original Birmingham thing) is that it was a ludicrous attempt by the PC brigade to ward off a perceived threat that, by mentioning the dreaded "C-word," a group of people with a particular imaginary friend might offend other groups of people with different imaginary friends. (I presume I've now managed to offend all parties!)

I'm not offended if anyone wants to wish me a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Delightful Diwali, or expresses their religion in other ways that don't involve things like going on crusades/jihads or blowing themselves and others up to gain entry into some mythical afterlife theme park.

Rant over. Difficult choice.

Bronze: Fieryjack@8
Silver: Ixion @20
Gold: (because my liver sympathises) Pigale @21

No matter what your beliefs (or lack thereof) I hope you can enjoy this seasonal offering.

Best wishes, all
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27th December 2017, 18:35
Excellent clue pigale, well done.

Thanks skyewalker.
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27th December 2017, 18:42
Congrats pigale and thanks Skyewalker
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27th December 2017, 18:44
"My sentients exactly" sw. I'm glad Birmingham's attempts at PC were a failure.

Very well done pigale and thank you sw
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27th December 2017, 18:53
Thanks SKW. New word to me. I agree with your sentiments
Congrats Pigale, good one
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27th December 2017, 20:13
Congratulations, Pigale. Cheers, SW
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seamus, ayrshire

27th December 2017, 21:15
Congratulations pigale and thanks to skyewalker for judging.
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