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28th December 2017, 13:48
Catkin - 25d bestrew - top = best + rew = Spenserian spelling of line (row). 36d a trailing group is a rear - remove final r. Hide is an old measure of area.
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28th December 2017, 17:12
I may be stating the obvious but I will anyway - all the extra words in the across clues are definitions of the word kite.
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28th December 2017, 22:39
Oh dear. Apologies if I have caused confusion but I believed at the time I posted that I was correct. If you cut out the 12 by 17 rectangle and fold to bring the bottom left empty square to the top row empty square and do the same with the other pair you get a six sided very approximately symmetrical shape. Important to cut it out because some parts of the shape are the front side and others the back side of the puzzle.
It is a larger and a somewhat smaller kite shape joined along one of the longer sides.
The final fold along this long side gives a perfect kite overlying a slightly smaller perfect kite.
I now believe this is overcomplicated and the simpler folding approach is probably correct but it begs the question asked by others - what is the point of the final fold?
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28th December 2017, 23:45
I agree it’s a bit odd, but I am guessing it’s to show the symmetry of the shape.
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29th December 2017, 17:53
Hi I’m new to the forum.

Have completed the grid and still toiling with the folding...but never mind that.

Would someone mind
completing the following string with an “X” please?
At beginning or end or in the appropriate slot in the middle.

AHBBFRS..which corresponds to 7/8 thematic words in the across clues

Btw not overly keen on this
one... particularly the incompleteness of the inner

Happy New Year to one and all.
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29th December 2017, 18:11
Hi Jars, the missing one is from 25A. The last definition of kite : to rise sharply. Don't worry about the folding thing, this happens in the Listener every now and then. But traditionally it's a good puzzle. Happy New Year to you.
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1st January 2018, 10:57
Hello and a happy new year to all
Still not sure about the final shape
Does the unbarring at the end of 22 and 26 across
And the unbarring at the start of 25 and 30 across have any significance to the folding
Best wishes
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