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24th December 2017, 20:23
Thank you smartie - that’s cleared up my queries (so far).
31 of 77  -   Report This Post


24th December 2017, 21:28
Hi Unclued, best wishes to you. Well, you know it's a time of the year to please children, so I won't spoil the fun. I don't send my entries in, so it doesn't really matter where the folds ended up on mine; before it hits the recycling likely there will be quite a few more folds...

By the way, Rosa Parks : Douglas Brinkley's biography is well worth a read. I got the sense that Rosa and some others were quite a bit in advance of King, though because he was a minister and a sermoner he tended to get the headlines. But, for the sheer courage of a small woman sitting on her own on a bus, and knowing she was hated for it, Rosa is rightfully recognised...
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25th December 2017, 08:27
Merry Xmas all.
Ebenezer - I don’t have an extra word at 9. I think the third fold is necessary for 2 reasons. It demonstrates the lack of absolute symmetry but more importantly it leaves you with the thematic shape.
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25th December 2017, 11:27
Merry Christmas from me, too! finished this yesterday but am visiting the site to boast that I may have sussed the title - by no means a regular event. It's the ISO "A" paper sizing system, isn't it? Also, there should be a bar at the end of 26, for without it there is a meaningless six-letter word.
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25th December 2017, 11:49
Yes and yes.
The A sizing was a bit of a distraction for me as I tried to use it to determine the folds. The final folding system is very clever and mathematically more sophisticated than simple paper sizes.
I am slightly worried about exactly where in the centre rectangle to put the two symbols, which I assume to be a mathematical symbol and a number. I have not actually folded the completed grid yet so it may become more obvious when I see it in the flesh.
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25th December 2017, 15:48
I'm baffled by the folding. Does the bottom right go to the gap in the top row and then the bottom left to the remaining blank? That doesn't give an almost perfectly symmetrical shape. But then again, neither does any other folding to bring the blanks together. Thanks.
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25th December 2017, 16:33
You are looking for a six sided symmetrical shape after 2 foldings. It becomes a thematic shape after the third fold.
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25th December 2017, 17:39
I'm none the wiser but thanks anyway, smithsax. I've tried matching every blank to every other blank and I know what the thematic shape is. Someone on another website said the folding is straightforward enough. Hah!
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25th December 2017, 18:23
I’m on my last one but can’t explain why 11 is INERT.
Thanks for any help here.
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25th December 2017, 18:43
Hi, IN-V(erb)-ERT. Can't see 44: -EY?
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