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19th December 2017, 11:57
No spoilers please as it's still early for Christmas.
I have finished, but despite thorough searching can only see two of the three 'further thematic words' hidden in the grid? (I have one in row 3, and one in row 16). I think I know the word I'm looking for, but its not there....
Fun puzzle. Nice how the theme slowly appeared.

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19th December 2017, 12:01
Lumen, are you wanting a hint or are you just commenting on the puzzle?
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19th December 2017, 12:08
If you have the three extra words then yes I'd like to know where the third is please!.....or if they aren't the obvious words (three remaining members left from a group of eight), you might help me look in a different way? The word I'm looking for contains an x, but I only have one x in the whole grid.
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19th December 2017, 12:14
Don't think only horizontally...

My word doesn't have an X!
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19th December 2017, 12:22
There's an alternative later spelling which doesn't have an 'x'
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19th December 2017, 12:22
Ok thanks Malone, I see the missing word now.
I'll have to rethink my other theme words! They didn't make total sense to me. The x word must be one of those.
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19th December 2017, 17:47
I haven't finished this yet but my favourite clue so far is 70 dn. Made me laugh when I (finally) saw it. Not asking for help yet but at this point 92ac looks like gobbledegook.
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19th December 2017, 17:50
Yes, I too liked 70 D.
Teenieleek, it was seeing what 92 A was going to be that made me grasp the theme.
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20th December 2017, 21:04
I am doing this one on holiday without access to normal ref books. Consequently I cant find a word that fits 17A and allows 7D to be Astaire, nor can I complete 45A or find authority for a plural of lev 51D ending in e. Chambers online seems less helpful than the broken backed copy chez Gerba.
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20th December 2017, 21:17
I've no longer got the clues, but I've got a copy of my finished grid. 17 A- Depside.
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