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20th December 2017, 21:36
Gerba, I went online to look at the clues again.

51 D Dear old Sofia's money finally gone (4) Leve
Leve = dear, sweetheart in my revised 13 edition Chambers) Lev, Sofia's money and the 'e' from the end (finally) of 'gone'. You didn't need a plural.
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20th December 2017, 22:20
Chambers online gives neither leve nor depside, nor does the quick solve function on this site, so thanks Malone. On 45A laisse sounds a bit like lesser (smaller) but does it mean tirade to a Frenchman ? I can find dog leash but not harangue .......
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20th December 2017, 22:27
Yes, Laisse is defined as 'tirade or string of verses...'.
Depside is ' a product formed by the condensation of the carbonyl group of one molecule with the phenol group of a second, functioning in plant cells'.
Both of these are from Chambers.
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