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27th November 2017, 10:35
in fact he never said "not now"
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27th November 2017, 11:12
thee? included in the clue never said nowadays.
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27th November 2017, 11:15
hi andy
I think you meant to type "then" (not now)
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27th November 2017, 11:15
I think it's THEN rather than THEE, andy.

I did wonder if the answer was "Napoleon"!
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27th November 2017, 11:16
oops :-)
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27th November 2017, 11:17
Possibly Andy,could be that daft. My dad,a proper Lancastrian always used thee and thou--where's thee goin' to? for example.
Thanks anyway.
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27th November 2017, 11:19
Old joke
"Where's the bin?"
"I've bin out - what's it to you?"
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27th November 2017, 11:21
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27th November 2017, 11:23
My maternal Grandfather was also a Lancastrian and used "thee" quite often
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27th November 2017, 11:25
Here's a similar one:

At the eventual passing of the eldest Nun in the Convent, the remainder of the members decided that a special headstone was required for such a devout person.
After much deliberation the inscription "God, she is thine" was agreed upon and the local Yorkshire stonemason duly instructed.
The day before the ceremony the stone was delivered to the local church, but on closer inspection the Nuns were horrified to find a typo, as the inscription read "God, she is thin".
The stonemason was telephoned immediately, informed that "you have missed out the "e", and asked to rectify the fault post haste as the memorial was required the next day.
The stone was collected by the stonemason forthwith and re-delivered later that day having been duly corrected.
The headstone now reading "e' God, she is thin".
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