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19th November 2017, 13:51
Malone, here is the whole clue

Did Arias, may be, getting rid of alternative being composed in
conservatoire? (9)
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19th November 2017, 13:52
I think Mamya has explained it
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19th November 2017, 13:54
English : composed in the conservatory = french : sang froid in conservatoire ?
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19th November 2017, 13:54
In the same way it could have said - 'Composed in Paris'
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19th November 2017, 13:56
Sorry Mamya but I am definitely being dim!

Composed in French is 'composé'

Also, in French, a Conservatoire has a capital C

or am I splitting hair?
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19th November 2017, 13:57
Thanks, Pigale. I'm with Mamya - the 'being composed' = 'sangfroid' in France, indicated by 'conservatoire'.
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19th November 2017, 13:58
Got it !!!! It's just that particular meaning of 'composed' in English
that escaped me for a long while!

Thank you - I am happy now!!!
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19th November 2017, 14:00
Pigale, glad you're satisfied now - it's annoying to have a clue, answer, niggling away at you!
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