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19th November 2017, 10:10
Hi, christamac, and thanks for that. I notice that new words are formed in the columns and the first four letters in the middle row seem odd. But as somone else has pointed out, there is so much poetry one could wade through searching for the answer and I'm only vaguely familiar with this poet's most popular works, and life seems too short for such a pursuit.
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19th November 2017, 12:54
Hi Orson,

If you are still curious about the poem, look up the poet on Wikipedia - it's mentioned in the second paragraph!
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19th November 2017, 13:55
All done I think.... does the poem title contain an apostrophe?
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19th November 2017, 14:22
Hi Kirky, no the one I found is 3 words (8,3,3)
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19th November 2017, 14:47
Thanks christamac .... yes that fits the preamble better
i originally thought it was morte d'arthur because of "The old order changeth, yielding place to new".
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19th November 2017, 14:47
Got it, christamac. Thanks. I did start to think about looking up the first five letters in reverse and I should have tried that first. I now find it's in the index of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
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20th November 2017, 09:40
I think I'm finished but I don't understand the reference to Ctrl and Alt with regards to the middle row?

I have a relevant 5 letter word in reverse and the poet's name- I thought that was all that was required- am I wrong?

Thanks in advance
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20th November 2017, 11:42
Hi Novice

Computer keys are a red herring here. Control is a synonym and ALT are initials.
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21st November 2017, 07:50
Thought I had the answer to ' strain leash' after removing the e from leash, ( a 6 letter synonym ) but can't see anywhere an e will go in the central row and intersect with the relevant clue. Am I barking up the wrong tree?
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21st November 2017, 08:28
Several others also had stripe first for that one ... correct answer is string with S from Strain being the extra
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