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17th March 2017, 16:22
We keep an eye on everything...................................
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17th March 2017, 16:26
I could add my full list of answers if that would make you feel better
It is just a shame that they go to the trouble to set a really good quiz which is then turned into a raffle. They might as well not put in the work
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17th March 2017, 16:28
But seriously folks.............
What are you going to do if the quiz stops due to too many answers being given away on line and the quizsetter gets cheesed off putting the hours in only to have his work ruined in days (literally).
Put some work and thought into it instead of running to answer sites after days (or hours or, in some cases, minutes) of trying!
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17th March 2017, 22:14
In that case, what do people like you come to this website for? As far as I'm concerned would-be solvers who need help come here, whenever they need it. If you don't need help, do you just login to make holier-than-thou observations? And as for the comments about the compiler getting cheesed off!! So you perhaps you think he will give up and not continue to gather hundreds of thousands of pounds for charities? If you just login to here because you are annoyed that some people ask for help and others give it, I suggest you look elsewhere for your fun. All very sad.

(Signing out now - looking forward to the 1st of September Puzzle!! )
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17th March 2017, 22:26
If I fall into the category of 'people like you' , I come here to do as the site name says - to help people who are struggling with Crosswords which by their nature are far more ephemeral than a quiz with a long date.
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17th March 2017, 22:39
I think that attack on Georgeiii - and others - is quite uncalled for!
In many instances, the setters of quizzes often ask that people do not seek help - or at least not in the early stages of the Quiz.
The competition websites often state this - and suggest that competitors should send in half - completed efforts if necessary.
This surely indicates that you should not be seeking help?
These compilers take a lot of time and trouble to produce these quizzes for charity.
Why this "rush" to complete them?
Would you not get more satisfaction from employing your own brain - and ideas - over the next few months, rather than seeking (instant) answers from others so early in the day?
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18th March 2017, 08:32
I have been on this forum for over 10 years and I have lost count of the number of times this subject has been debated. Some of you "newbies" are probably not aware of this. The end result of the "debate" is always an impasse and lots of moaning and whinging on both sides of the "to answer or not to answer" fence.
As far as I am concerned it is Que Sera Sera whether you like it or not! Have a nice day !
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18th March 2017, 08:46
Quite so, Chrisg.
But there is no call for the rudeness that some folk bring to the forum.....
Every time this issue erupts, Norah asks that people respect each other and do not resort to in -fighting and snide remarks.
It would be nice if this could be adhered to, without her having to intervene each time.
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18th March 2017, 08:58
I agree elle but unfortunately this is not a perfect world and some people relish having a pop at someone if the opportunity arises. This Forum has improved considerably over the last few years and I see this as an isolated incidence. Norah will intervene if it becomes protracted and a "keyboards at the ready" situation !
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18th March 2017, 11:32
I totally agree. I managed 97 of the quiz on my own. was stuck for over a week on the last 3. turned them round and upside down. the help I got will enable me to answer other questions in the future. how you look at a clue makes all the difference. Q32 was a puzzle for some people yet I found it easy. Just how your brain works. I have been doing this quiz since the Water quiz ( about 20 years) just found this site last year,its the luck of the draw if you win or lose. I work for Premier Inn and we have GOSH as our charity and have raised £3,100 in the last 10 months. That's my lot
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