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4th October 2016, 15:21
Finished now but that SE corner was a bit of a swine.
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jack aubrey

5th October 2016, 21:56
One left in the dreaded SE corner, namely 21d. I have ?E?T?A from which I can make a woman's name but can't see the wordplay or a suitable definition (which I think has to be BE?).
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5th October 2016, 22:03
The definition, before alteration, is 'dame (a female one)'
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jack aubrey

5th October 2016, 22:14
Thank you! That has got the raspberry pip out of my teeth at last. It's so obvious when you see it, as always!
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7th October 2016, 15:23
All done now, but not fully understanding the wordplay in 4 clues:-
5A - why "soft" ?
12A - relevance of "small" ?
26A - "spread grass for drying" ?
4D - "delivered" ?
Would appreciate any help (without giving solutions of course).

15 of 34  -   Report This Post


7th October 2016, 15:35
I don't have the answers so hopefully won't mess anything up...

26A - "spread grass for drying" ?

A three letter word abbreviation for 'Edward' means what you have quoted above.
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7th October 2016, 15:49
Thanks mamya - I should have googled said 3 letter word.
Still don't get the other three clues fully.
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7th October 2016, 15:52
5A - why "soft" ?

Abbr for soft(ness) replaced by abbr for hard, relating to the same implement.
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7th October 2016, 15:54
12A - relevance of "small"

Small fish with g for good removed.
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7th October 2016, 15:59
4D - "delivered

I think the second part of the answer must be an archaic (not specified in Chambers) term for delivered.
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