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lady bee

22nd September 2016, 19:38
You won't see any answers from a heading so if you wish to do the quiz 100% on your own, then the solution is easy, just don't click on the quiz heading. If people are put off doing the quiz because they know answers are out there on a public domain, then they are only doing it to win a prize - hardly worth worrying about.
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22nd September 2016, 20:19
Just how are we expected to know that "mixed doubles" is a quiz heading?
Sounds like a tennis match to me.
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22nd September 2016, 20:41
Maybe a better header would have been.

48th Rainbow Quiz. CD 30th Nov 2016
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22nd September 2016, 20:43
Likewise Lady Bee Surely those who can't send it in with blanks must only be doing it to win the prize
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23rd September 2016, 21:18
Anyone who participates in this wonderful, twice-yearly quiz, would surely donate any prize money to the charity. If not, then go for the newspaper prize crosswords.

This is one of the cleverest (and tricky) quizzes ever, and is a delight especially as we have 3 months in which to complete it. Sure, hints and tips are most useful, but NOT until 2 weeks before the close.

Confident that I have 95 out of 100, stumped on the last 5, but would not dream of asking for help before mid-November.

Couple of unpleasant comments have saddened me.

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23rd September 2016, 21:26
Well said, Monty.
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23rd September 2016, 22:11
I agree with rusty - well said, Monty.
I look on here just to see how others are doing. Nice to know 95 so far is possible; I still have twenty to figure out!
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23rd September 2016, 22:14
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23rd September 2016, 22:36
Hear, hear, Monty!
You put that far more succinctly than I did!
Your viewpoint puts that of anyone differing to shame!
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24th September 2016, 15:09
Well done, albie.
I'm still stuck on 55. ..... but for Kylie the hollow noise is out of range! (9). If you can provide any help on that I would be grateful.
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