Disappointed to see that the website has an advert telling people which way to vote. I think there may be a clue there somewhere - the advert is targeted at people who are too stupid to make up their own minds. But how inappropriate is 'hope'. I can think of another 4-letter word beginning with H that is more appropriate to Leave...
rrrbbo, I wasn't entirely happy with 16, Enablers as Qualifiers...but r (for take) with (baseline - i). 18 : Substitute O for A in a common word for liquid container. 21 : Old hippy slang, now adopted by the bourgeoisie (derived from 'get down and groove). 22D has roots close to home for me, both in the origin of the travellers and the destination. There was an old Stranglers song "...they came across the West Sea..." - the North Sea was known thus to the Danes - 'they' when they landed on the east coast of Ireland were called 'Ostmen'. I remember discussions about dhu ghaill and fion ghail, and although the Danes were loosely referred to as Norsemen, I think in fact they were the 'dark strangers' and the Norwegians were the 'fair strangers.'