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9th April 2016, 16:48
I'm glad you've now got no 17 solved.
191 of 206  -   Report This Post


10th April 2016, 20:10
Could I please ask for help with the following 2;

25. They tell stories and hurry to suppress the least revision. (10. 5.)
75. It was exciting when the overflowing brook met the river. (8)
Many thanks in advance.
192 of 206  -   Report This Post


10th April 2016, 21:34
Hi Lizzie
25. 1st word. hurry = as in horse riding, + suppress = as in stop completely. 2nd word anagram of 'least'.
75.anagram of 'the' + 4 letter word for brook + r (river) = genre of book type
Hope this helps
193 of 206  -   Report This Post


14th April 2016, 12:39
Hello Winnie
Please can you give me some additional help with my last four, they are driving me crazy. They are:-
26 (7) Copper strangled by a fat round count.

41 (5) Russian novelist making a huge amount? Knock zero off!

45 (6,7) Share TV. (The Hilton Concept)

82 (8) Literary club papers.
194 of 206  -   Report This Post


14th April 2016, 13:14
26) copper = cu, + a + type of fat

41) look for 5 letter novelists, and yes, he's russian

45) anagram for second word. A1st is clue for word for anagram. answer is a book

82) small vehicle Charlie is C, another word for just

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14th April 2016, 23:51
Hi nonplussed - re your clue for question 82. I do have an answer for it but I do not understand your additional clue. Small vehicle - eg car,van? Where does Charlie C come into it + a word for just. Sorry but I am absolutely confused now.
Can you help me here please ? The answer I have begins with P and ends with K
196 of 206  -   Report This Post


15th April 2016, 12:01
Hello Winnie & Nonplussed.
Thank you both for your last posts. I think that Nonplussed provided a clue to No 85 instead of No 82 that I had asked for help. I have answers now for three of four questions. leaving only number 41. This still puzzles me as I cannot see how anagram of the second word fits with a five letter answer.
197 of 206  -   Report This Post

lady bee

15th April 2016, 12:42
Do you really mean No.41? There is no anagram involved.
198 of 206  -   Report This Post


15th April 2016, 14:24
Hello Lady Bee. Sorry about that, I confused two responses. Having used the help I got from nonplussed and Winnie to solve Numbers 26, 45 & 82 I am now working on 41 which was one of the four requests for help which was given help for a different question. So I am still confused about No 41
199 of 206  -   Report This Post


15th April 2016, 15:01
Why is it that no-one else seems to be stuck on 55 and 78?
Please could I have an extra clue?
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