I now realise there is a mistake in the online version which indicates that the solution is an 8 letter word (the downloadable one correctly indicates that it is a two letter word). I had been working to the online version...
Thanks Winnie, I knew you wouldn't let me down but still can't get no.17. A four letter word for visit is baffling me. Have at least 16 but when I try to add any of them to what I think is a short word for work (wk) and that is (ie) nothing seems to spring to mind. Am I looking for a goddess of poetry? Have looked that up and not getting anywhere. Any further clues if you can please or I will soon be bald with tearing my hair out!!!
I think it'd be hard to give further hints to the hints to the question. A quick internet search for 'Goddess of poetry' returned the answer very, very quickly.
Winnie, I think I have now solved no. 17. Was confused with an abbreviation for 'work' ! Thanks again for all your help. Must now check them all again just to name sure.