Could anyone help with these clues please?
1a A rule that is plugged by Nazi, perhaps (8) starts with A
29a Took over actor's furniture(8) starts with E
18d Seed turned into dainty, round shrub (10, two words) ??E???M???
Thought TOMATO was a possible.
1A cleared up 2D: ROUX (sauce) RUE (herb). Originally had MOLE - MOLY.
The NW corner is still very empty. Always have trouble with Lavatch
Zardoz-I do not pretend to know all the words -indeed as a TTotaller -never heard of bellini either! _That is what I like about cryptics you can work out the word from the word play without knowing the word(and Chambers to confirm)Let me know if you want further help
Almost finished now but still need:
19d Cracked puzzle's opener with speed; it generated solution. I have ?E?T?R?D (Not certain of the"R" - it came from 34a answered?)
36a Sailor's abandoning end of water course (6) AF?E?? is it afield?