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silly boy

29th March 2010, 16:08
My 67 begins with M !
191 of 435  -   Report This Post


29th March 2010, 16:38
As I said in a previous clue, think of a famous TV mule from years ago and add to it the abbreviation for ever. That's how I got it although my friend, who also does these quizzes, knew it as her mother had a beautiful silver one stolen when the house was burgled. Funny where we get our answers from sometimes.
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29th March 2010, 18:04
Yes Twinsnan,I must agree,over the years I have been doing this quiz I too have got answers from quiz programmes on t.v. My answer for 67 also starts with M
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29th March 2010, 19:42
Time for confession - I've only been doing crosswords for 40 years, but I don't actually own a Chambers. Shock horror. I guess I'll have to buy one to get at those pesky policemen, unless someone takes pity on me.
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29th March 2010, 20:03
can anyone give me some clues for no
6 Blackbirds can be seen in woods
8 around August 2nd come to a halt at church entrance
18 There's nothing in medicine if this vessel turns back
28 but our mild characters are out ,beaten by the West Indies .can't seem to
get any ideas on these ,Thanks

195 of 435  -   Report This Post


29th March 2010, 20:23
6 Woods is a sporting term
8 count the letters then surround with a halt
18 the sort of store in the US where medicine is sold
28 an anagram to give you the basis of a steel band
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29th March 2010, 20:46
Famous 5 Just like all the clues have been telling us, the second word is a nickname for police, could be loose change or bronze coins....I found the answer in Chambers in the reference library. Daren't give the very obvious clue for first word but it's not dry.
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29th March 2010, 20:49
But, still stuck on 44, 56, 73, 79 and 99, even after all the hints I've been given. Am determined to get there soon.
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29th March 2010, 21:36
Hi twinsnan,
Like you, I am still looking for a few - 7 to be precise, 6 of which are the ones you are after.
The only one I have amongst your "missing" ones is
79. An old codger and a type of bottle (clue)
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29th March 2010, 21:41
Sorry that should have read four of which you are after. The other 3 I am stuck on are 32 48 and 68
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