While you are dealing with your hair, I'll tell you a little story; Many years ago, when I lived in Guernsey, I used to help various people who wanted to brush up their French, amongst whom were advocate/sollicitors, ie well educated people
(I might add that Guernsey law is based on ancient Normandy law and a lot of old deeds etc were written in old French)
Anyway, when I started to explain that in many cases an adjective was placed after the noun it qualifies, and that an adverb was usually placed after the verb it accompanies and/or modifies, I realized that these well educated and well spoken people did not have the faintest idea of what I was talking about ! As for the tenses of verbs, that was even worse.
So in order to explain the difference between the two languages, I had to start by explaining the ABC of grammar - in any language.
What do you make of that?
I'll let you dry your hair in peace now!