Hi, Rusty!
I can understand your being proud of your achievement!
I remember winning a celebratory crown coin of the Queen... presented in a dark green box...when I was but a small child!
I had entered a colouring competition.
I was very proud of myself!
It was the fact that this had been achieved by all my own work!
And yes, I think you are right in saying that there was a greater sense of achievement after completing a crossword by using reference books.......than by using Google!
I could never send in a crossword entry, though, had I asked an "outsider" (like on here) for help....using reference books /Google is one thing...asking some one else for an answer is quite another!
I am always puzzled by the folk on the Forum who feverishly ask for answers, so they can post off their entries!
I couldn't do that, as it wouldn't be "all my own work"!
Oops! I have just realised have missed most of BGT...
I shall record it tomorrow instead!
Hello, Ros!
Wow, that's a bit scary!
Red kites are quite large birds. aren't they?
Didn't they used to be regarded as vermin?
I think I read that somewhere?