Hi, Rusty!
You are certainly being lucky with your weather!
Mind you, I am not seriously complaining.........I would far rather it were cold and dry than warm and wet!
Miss ATW is indeed lucky to be able to move into a flat that is newly decorated and fully shipshape....
I remember all those years ago when we bought our present house...
What a mess it was in......
We had to camp out, using one of the bedrooms as our lounge, as the downstairs wasn't fit for habitation!
We had nowhere else to live as we worked on the house, because we couldn't afford to pay both the rent on our flat and pay the mortgage on the house.
So we had to move in and live amongst the chaos whilst we did the work!
I am sure there were others in a similar boat!
Ah, those were the days........
What books are you expecting from Waterstones?