Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am very sorry about your tooth!
It does sound as though it has done its best, and has now come to the end of its life!
When do you go to have it out?
I pronounce "glacier" as "glay cier" and "glassier" as"glah ssier" - the setter obviously intends both to be said with a short "a".
Yes, 26a was good - although I think it should have been spelled with a "z" to be truly American!
You are quite correct.... a break is effective......I have come back from my afternoon walk and straightaway filled in one of those two elusive clues!
The last one I give up on.
14a: Part of a letter from one who has already reached the heights?
Younger daughter has just phoned!
On Friday we are all going to a Hallowe-en "do" for children at a nearby farm....... BB and Baby are dressing up in suitable costumes!
BB is going as a skeleton! I'm not sure about the young one.
It was a good idea to drop your car off at the garage today, in order to save yourself another trip tomorrow!
Hello, Pigale!
I am fine, thank you!
We have been out walking - bright but cold here.
Your new books sound great!
Many moons ago we used to get the Readers' Digest Condensed books.
These were useful as introductions to many new authors, whom we perhaps otherwise would not have tried.