This was an absolute ordeal! Help appreciated parsing these...
13a. Objecting to least sound made by bell? (7) - MINDING (Objecting)
The best I can come up with is is MIN(imum) DING, but there's no instruction to abbreviate 'Minimum', so is there something else?
2d. Changing guards at division? It's sure to cause comment (12,5) - CONVERSATION PIECE (Sure to cause comment)
It looks like 'Changing' = CONVERSION - 'guarding' AT, but that leaves 'Division' for PIECE, which I don't get.
4d. Newspaper gossip raised confusion (6) - RAGBAG (Confusion?)
Is it RAG + GAB (Raised), or is there more to it?
25d. Fastener's first evidently reduced by half to make another (5) - LATCH (Fastener)