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3rd October 2014, 18:54
Thanks Winnie for coming to help me again. Will have a go later on once i have had something to eat. Feed the brain!!!
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3rd October 2014, 19:37
Brain now fed Winnie so with your help, worked those 4 out no trouble. What i want to know is why can't I solve them without your help??!! If you can now help with the other four ie 93, 96, 98 and 100, i can then put the quiz down for a few days and come back to it with a fresh mind. Thanks in advance.
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3rd October 2014, 19:40
100. Start with a word for limited period, then I and another name for a country
98. last letter of priest then word for putting away. the answer is an abbey.
I am lost in trying to find the solution to No.30 even after the clues already given. A type of lentil and you throw them in games has got me completely confused. Any help greatly appreciated.
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3rd October 2014, 20:10
Hi haeremai18 Maybe I'm making the clues too easy !!!
93.Is an anagram of G for grand and an Indian musical instrument = a word for 'no charge'
96.Her majesty 'nearly' is not all of the word queen plus a letter for a 'note' = a character from science fiction Red Dwarf.
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3rd October 2014, 20:11
Anotheray - thanks for 98 and 100. For No.30 my answer is a name of a game played by children, the first three letters is an alternative word for CAN and the last four letters what kids kick about. Whether this is the right answer or not i don't know. Have you any clues for nos. 93 and 96 to complete my back page please.
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3rd October 2014, 20:14
Hi anotheray
30. The pulse is bean. and when I went to school ( which I must admit was ages ago !) these beans were in a soft container and we would use them in games.
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3rd October 2014, 20:30
Ignore my idea for No.30 Anotheray. Winnie has the better answer which i have now worked out!
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3rd October 2014, 20:30
Thanks winnie.
Whyever did I not think of that - I think sometimes I tend to look for a more complicated solution.
Well that's one more solved - thanks again
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3rd October 2014, 20:40
Glad that's sorted!! Nos 93 and 96 pleaseeeeeeee, then i'll go away for a while!!!!
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3rd October 2014, 21:05
Gave you these in post 98 haeremai18
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