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3rd October 2014, 21:25
Sorry Winnie, so you did. Thanks, have worked them out too. Hadn't heard of the Red Dwarf character? It is obviously time i put the quiz away for a week or two or even a month so i can come back refreshed to work out the last 21 I need to solve. I'll be back!!
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4th October 2014, 10:44
just watch out for cycling event to do, apart from the fact that there appears to be a mistake in the letters allowed for number 70!!!! They never make mistakes though!
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lady bee

4th October 2014, 11:41
Someone has been in touch with Neville and he has confirmed that the answer has 11 letters not 10 as stated.
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4th October 2014, 20:42
I think the cycling event (No.65) has been suggested in an earlier thread - Both words begin with T
Hope this helps
Good luck
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5th October 2014, 13:13
Hi Winnie, Ladybee, Quizmad and others. Guess what....due to lots of stuff going on in my life I had not even downloaded the quiz until Friday! A dear friend who also does it rang to ask how I was getting on, and to share clues. She is already up to 80. So, have gone through it a couple of times, a couple of hours last evening and a quick look now after church before family arrive for lunch. At first it looked more of a stinker than usual but after calming down a bit I have managed to solve 44 of them.....long long way to go so may well be begging for hints soon. Good to see all the old friends still playing.
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5th October 2014, 15:36
Welcome twinsnan. Don't worry about being abit late, there is still PLENTY of time before we have to send it in.
Just thought I would tell your though, it was discovered that our Neville has made a mistake on question 70. The answer has 11 letters in it (not 10 as stated)and Neville has confirmed the error. Good Luck.
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5th October 2014, 18:51
Thank you for the welcome Winnie and the earth shattering news that Neville has made a mistake!! Surely a first. How they manage this twice a year is beyond me though and I am so glad they do because despite all the screaming and late nights and kicking oneself these are the best puzzles I have ever done in the 16 years I have been doing them. Will get stuck in tomorrow and see how I get on. Stay online please, even if you have finished as I know I will need some clues very soon.
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6th October 2014, 08:13
Hello mamya

A bit hesitant about incurring your wrath, but I'll beg forgiveness and hope you may be able to help me out of a dilemma!
Question 36 is 'Pi (Get to the root of this one) and I have two answers which seem to fit the criteria!
The first I found by making an anagram of pi and root. This gave me a very famous fictional character who 'gets to the root of' each mystery.
On a second trawl through the quiz, I found that I could replace the verb 'get' with another, make a further anagram and discover a 'root'.
One ends with the correct letter and the other starts with the same correct letter!
If you feel able, could you please indicate which may be incorrect??
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6th October 2014, 12:39
Hello Penangpete. Think your second answer might be on the right track. Think vegetable.
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6th October 2014, 14:38
I did exactly the same thing, had the very famous detective but then changed it to one of my least favourite root vegetables.....and I am a vegetarian! have both answers jotted down but am veering more to the veg.
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