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3rd October 2014, 14:27
Hadn't seen the Glasgow link either but sounds as if you're there now :-)

85 of 216  -   Report This Post

lady bee

3rd October 2014, 14:46
So sorry, didn't mean to mislead saying it was Glasgow - my poor geography. Glad you got there in the end though.

Grammarian is correct - GR for the Greek, AM for the American and Marian is one of the organisers of the Rainbow Quiz with Neville.
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3rd October 2014, 15:10
No. 7 is still throwing me! Toady's ( or should that read today's) refusal to accept edited copy. Clue given was "a word for a today, made up of anagram of COPY with word for REFUSAL surrounding it. I have 4 different anagrams of COPY but finding a word for REFUSAL is just not happening! Any other clues please. If I can get this one, that is me up to 65 answers - still plenty to go but still plenty of time!!!
87 of 216  -   Report This Post


3rd October 2014, 15:31
If I could I would ..............
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3rd October 2014, 15:33
Thanks Ginge! Maybe someone else can please????!
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3rd October 2014, 15:35
That's the clue; "If I could I would but I can't so ........."
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lady bee

3rd October 2014, 16:07
In one post I accidentally typed today instead of TOADY. Why not google toady-meanings and I'm sure you will find what you are looking for.
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3rd October 2014, 16:15
Thanks Ginge and Lady Bee. Got it now with the Toady connection. Tried won't and don't etc but forgot about the one beginning with S.
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3rd October 2014, 17:37
Now got 71 answers. My husband had a brainstorm! Only 29 to go. So can I have a little more help please with the following for starters: 82, 88, 90, 93, 95, 96, 98 and 100. That would finish the last page. Don't think there have been any clues for these ones so they are probably easy but pea brain here hasn't solved them. Many thanks in advance for anyone's help.
93 of 216  -   Report This Post


3rd October 2014, 18:39
Hi haerimai18. here are a few clues to be going on with.
82. 3letter word for girl+ i + zodia sign = astrologer
88. anagram of green + 2 letter sign of scholar = word meaning appropiate.
90. st for street + a+ 3letter word for old offender = name of prison camp.
95 is an anagram of three words.
Hope this helps
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