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3rd October 2014, 12:24
I think I am going to rename myself 'desperate'
Please does the answer to question 83 begin with G
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lady bee

3rd October 2014, 12:34
No, it begins with T. An area of Glasgow I believe. Charts is in there somewhere.
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3rd October 2014, 12:38
Mine begins wth t winnie
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3rd October 2014, 12:49
Thanks lady bee and jul. I haven't got the answer yet, but I have sorted my G and T's out!
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3rd October 2014, 13:43
Very stuck and stupid about 30 & 52. Any clues please. Ta
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3rd October 2014, 14:04
Lady Bee. Re no. 83, I can only find one area of Glasgow with 9 letters beginning with a T? I can see OS for ordnance survey in it but nothing else applicable. Perhaps you mean that only part of the answer is an area of Glasgow, therefore a smaller word????
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3rd October 2014, 14:08
52 Try a type of fabric hat and Svengali. Name of a play.

30 think lentils type of pulse, you throw them in games and can sit on big ones!

Any help welcome on 43. Don't think grammarian is right answer.
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3rd October 2014, 14:13
Think National park
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3rd October 2014, 14:21
Thanks Wileycoyote. Got it but not exactly part of Glasgow as previously mentioned. My husband is Glaswegian so he should know!!!!
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3rd October 2014, 14:22
Thank you for the hints I.ll get working, Ta
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