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3rd October 2014, 09:51
Hi. I have 100 answers now - but unfortunately 26 beginning with G and 24 beginning with T !!
Could any one tell me if the answers to 75 and 80 begin with G please ?
Quizmad re 72 Anagram 'asail' then google that word and you will find that it is followed by another word which is the answer you are looking for .
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3rd October 2014, 09:55
is an anagram of asail. it gives you a name in scotland. the rock is named after it
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3rd October 2014, 09:58
Thanks winnie and jul got it now ,both those numbers do begin with G.
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lady bee

3rd October 2014, 10:49
Re No.13. I have had second thoughts on this and come up with an answer that fits perfectly. It's what children like to do when they roll forward. You have your 'two' seasons, say. Of course, I now have the problem of 26 answers ending in T.

Not happy with my answer for no.92 - seems a bit 'blue' so maybe this is the one i should change. Any hints please?
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lady bee

3rd October 2014, 11:18
Had a re-think and got rid of my 'oral act'. Think carol should have been written with a capital C !!! Hopefully I now have 25 of each - just going to check.
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3rd October 2014, 11:45
Lady bee !! Poor Neville would have broken the lead in his pencil if you had left your first answer in!!
My take on 92 is to put christmas before carol and there is a small character in it.
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3rd October 2014, 11:51
lol winnie
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3rd October 2014, 11:57
I mean't to add - I think that where there are two words in the answer, both words have the rules applied.
In other words they must both begin or end with G or T.
I am still searching on No.30 Used in games it takes the pulse (7)
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lady bee

3rd October 2014, 12:10
Thanks for the nudge Winnie but I had got to the character. Your comment about Neville made me laugh.

anotheray - I hadn't realized until you mentioned it that with answers of more than one word, they both started or ended with the same requirement.

No.30 - it's a pulse (that you eat) and young children play with them, throw them, catch them etc.
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3rd October 2014, 12:11
Hi Anotheray re
30. There are two main pulses 'peas' and 'beans'. Think of what primary school children used to use when playing games at school.
I'm not laughing too much though. I have 26 answers beginning with G and 24 beginning with T and I can't find anything amiss with my G answers!
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