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2nd October 2014, 15:48
5,4 Watch out for the cycling event. (I can only think of time trial but it doesn't really fit the clue.)
jewelled collar , secret in weight (8) is another problem!!!!
sorry, couldn't find the thread before!
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2nd October 2014, 18:49
72. Anagram "A sail" and then of word which follows it. The whole is name of a well-known rock in Scotland.

78. Name for golf peg plus "op" for work. Anagram for type of hat.

Still need 43. Which other post please?
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2nd October 2014, 18:58
Lady Bee, Just sent clues for 72 and 78 but realise I've labelled them to Betty from betty. It's meant for you.

I realise I'm still needing a clue for 13 please, if you can help.
thanks, Betty
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lady bee

2nd October 2014, 19:06
Thanks Betty for clue for 72 which has put the cat among the pigeons as I already have 25 answers ending in G!!!! Back to the drawing board.

I didn't need help with 78 but 37.

13. The essential part is the turnover e.g. cartwheel but it doesn't actually mention two different seasons.
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2nd October 2014, 19:57
Thanks Lady Bee. I thought about Handspring but have your problem. That makes 26 answers ending in G !!!.

37. Answer is name of a plant.
You need a 3 letter name of a fish, a 3 letter name for a study, and a grade meaning excellent. In that order.
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3rd October 2014, 08:59
Lady Bee: No. 13. The word gymnastics has sprung to my mind, ie cartwheels etc but don't know where the seasons come in. Probably right off the beaten track but thought I would mention it!!
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polly dee

3rd October 2014, 09:06
Good morning lady bee and Betty !! I am really struggling with 72 in spite of your clues ! Is there any chance of an " idiot proof" clue ? !! P
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polly dee

3rd October 2014, 09:34
Hello again !! This always happens to me - as soon as I post a question I get the answer !! No need to bother you - many thanks anyway !!? P
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3rd October 2014, 09:40
can you give me an extra clue for no 72 please
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3rd October 2014, 09:44
Thanks for suggestions. Did the jewelled collar thanks to Chambers last night.
Still cannot do the cycling one though!
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