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6th October 2014, 14:52
Okay, have spent a couple of hours on quiz this morning using the weather as my excuse not to do anything else. Stuck on some which I know are simple but brain will not click on! 14. Must be another name for paws with the addition of two letters? 17. Still trying to find another word for look around which will work. 31. Anagram of ????? 33. No idea about jewelled collar. 51. 53. 54. 57. Must be combo of other words for bloke + lad + apartment then anagrammed? 62. Trying to think of wooden utensils, my friend said I should have been watching Flog It but I haven't so no idea. 64. Trying to find the correct Merseyside town and then work out what to do with it. 74. I realise it is part of Antigua but not worked it out yet. So not done badly considering I only started on Friday but have been greatly helped by some of the clues here and from my friend with whom I swopped some. Great to be back in it again. Help please friends old and new!!
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lady bee

6th October 2014, 15:16
14. A basic word for paws and both sides of the river - it's a word thing, just follow what the clue says, inserted in the middle.

17. Clue given earlier in this thread - in fact you'll probably get a lot of clues if you trawl through it.

53. Anagram of first word, removing common letter to express student.

57. Normal word for apartment containing words for bloke and lad and the whole thing means flashy

62. Hidden in question

64. Yes you need a Liverpool town, illicit to do with music

74. Another one hidden in question
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lady bee

6th October 2014, 15:19
It would have been easier if you had listed your questions one under the other.

Just seen 31. Word for a small person containing anagram of roast and the whole is another word for a gourmet.
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6th October 2014, 16:29
Thank you so much LadyBee. All the words for the apartment one were there on my pad before me, just hadn't put them together! Will work on your other hints this evening.
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6th October 2014, 16:32
Lady Bee Also, sorry for not entering them in a methodical way....suitably chastened look on my face! Thank you for 31, would have had to work on that much longer. Back to it.
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6th October 2014, 16:50
Just had several 'of course' moments as answers were staring me in the face. Thank you again Lady Bee. Now

17 I know what to work on from earlier clues
33 Absolutely no idea
51 Probably some abbreviations and ??? No idea yet
54. Not really worked on this yet so struggling.

There, that looks tidier and easier to read and hopefully respond to.

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lady bee

6th October 2014, 17:43
33. It's probably a word you don't know. The weight is an abbreviation for the weight used in gold and it surrounds a word meaning secret, mysterious.

51. Doesn't refer to the Roald Dahl Mathilda but the song Waltzing Mathilda. The whole thing is a word for a scamp.

54. The diver is a bird, written backwards and initials for 'in charge'. Think Titanic!!!!

Thank you for the clearer lay-out. Much appreciated!!
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6th October 2014, 18:16
My pleasure and thanks to you, wonderfully clear clues.
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6th October 2014, 20:36
Looking for additional clues, not answers, to numbers
64, 76 and 85, can anyone help
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7th October 2014, 08:17
If you scroll through there are such good clues to all those you ask for........I just wish I could get 17, it is bugging me more than others but am determined to work it out.
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