I'm not at all sure these are correct, but assuming they are I'd appreciate help with the parsing (or corrections).......
39a. Overwhelmed by brief kiss, man just dated women (3,6,3) - THE FAIRER SEX (Women) I think 'Just' might be FAIRER and 'Kiss' -X but that's about it.
4d. Public service that's been checked supplying emporium (6) - OUTLET? (Emporium)
11d Young deer's first born appearing to lack three feet (5) - IAMBI (Three feet) I thought was (b)AMBI (young deer) without the B(orn), but that leaves the 'I' at the start to be accounted for so...
26d. Driver: person who'd carry one's books for pennies once (6) - CABBIE? (Driver)
28d. Centre for Buddhism also called for some capital in Asia (5) - DHAKA? (Capital in Asia) Is it because it's a homophone of DUKKHA, a tenet of Buddhism, or am I way off?
31d This old currency in brightly coloured drawer, we're told (6) - MARKKA? (Old Currency) This would fit the definition but i can't see the 'Brightly coloured' reference.
45d. Something that would stretch, filling part of Scottish Highlands? (7) - BRACKEN? Again, this sort of fits the def., but why the ref. to 'Stretch'?
52. Revolutionary still in union turned to the left perhaps (5) - YAWED (Turned to the left) I thought 'Union' = WED but I can't see why 'revolutionary' is YA.