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14th December 2013, 10:11
I've finished (I think!), but two I can't parse.

1a Sound warning to fly-tippers in central strip (9)
waistline? (def. "central strip?")

13d Author, a turkey playing chicken (4,6)
Noel Coward? (I see the "chicken", but can't get from "a turkey playing" to "Noel")

Any suggestions?
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14th December 2013, 10:14
1a could be waistband
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14th December 2013, 10:15
Thanks stumped - waistband is actually what I've written in (doh!), but I still can't parse it.
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greedy kite

14th December 2013, 10:16
Chris: in 1a, your first half is correct, the second half sounds like a warning to those intending to dispose of their waste; the whole being not that part of the body but what covers it.
In the other one I presume (until corrected) Paul just means the association between turkey & Christmas.
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14th December 2013, 10:16

Sounds like waste banned

I think Noël Coward is a pun

Turkey is on the menu instead of chicken at Christmas not chicken

So it's a noël or Christmas chicken or coward
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14th December 2013, 10:17
Thanks GK - I mis-entered - I have "band", but I d..........................

Actually just seen it - "waste banned"
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14th December 2013, 10:19
Thanks dj - makes some sense, but a bit obscure!

What did you think of the Paul-special 17a? (for those that don't have the paper "Crazy lovers? (7)")
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14th December 2013, 10:22
He can't help himself at least one reference per crossword. I wonder whether he is a bit starved of the activity because of the constant mentions?

I liked the clue though.
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greedy kite

14th December 2013, 10:31
Chris: that's the one I meant in my first comment earlier this morning. Sad, isn't it?
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14th December 2013, 11:24
To be a chicken is to be a coward.
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