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23rd November 2013, 16:11
Having got the down clues along the top row, the answer to the Marx clue became apparent.

This is normally the way with long clues, i.e. You see the answer before you work it out.
Makes the skill into defining them redundant, methinks.
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greedy kite

23rd November 2013, 16:12
It's a bit late to "beg to differ", but I think 22d has nothing to do with electric motors: it's just 1 wd mng bushes split into 1+ 4 letters, the first being an abb for the colour & the 2nd a kind of plant---but I may always be wrong...............
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23rd November 2013, 16:15
You may well be correct - I may have "over-complicated". I wasn't happy about the definition in your interpretation (my first thought), but I suppose it is OK.
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23rd November 2013, 17:03
Ok. - so what is it?
I know I'm a wimp but so what. - what, been busy today
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23rd November 2013, 17:04
I have BRUSH
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23rd November 2013, 17:11
Ooheer I actually meant the long one re Marx bros too tired to think at this time but think if we got this we just may be able to set sail at 4 am
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23rd November 2013, 17:12
Anagram of- duo iffy - habitual adulation dubious mythologies died away

want the answer??
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23rd November 2013, 17:12
I'm reluctant to give the whole answer (it's about 1/3 of the crossword), but it starts "IF I"
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23rd November 2013, 17:38
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23rd November 2013, 17:57
copy and paste the words I gave you above into here...

That way I shall not upset any other site members.
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