... in addition... Hi to Jazzy (x), Mary6, Chrise again (4/5). Ab, Ari, djaw 5/5 with super explanations. Seems to have been good fun today.
Thanks again for all the very good wishes (and comments). The drive went well. Seeing better with the operated eye than the untouched one, even though my specs are 'tuned' to the 'old lens'. Strange that!.
No need to post my working. The parsing has been well and truly dealt with. Just for completeness I'll stick em on anyway.
1. (crypt) FROM TIME TO TIME = occasionally (say = e.g; “leave-time” and “arrive-time”.
2. “centres” = d + u + m + k + a = DUMKA = slow movement (Chambers D)
3. subtractive anag (do not apply & renovated)of “Reichstag garden” – “ charges” = GRADIENT = bank
4. bag = sag; the ultimate in synthetic = c; giving s(c)ag = SCAG = heroin
5. (crypt) ROMAN NOSES
Off now Ari to 'view' those courses :) Hope she-who-must-be-obeyed hasn't been fooling me with the menu - now that I can actually see it!
Farewell and bless. I'll peek in later.