Ah! At last. Never thought it would happen. Two to go @ 5. I was going to wait for Tony to have a go before revealing all but, I'm sure he'll resist looking at the 'working' and solve them for himself.
Ari. Believe it or not, my first two names are JOHN PAUL, so they names two Popes after me! lol.
Nice, also, to see R'elf back after s busy Xmas season.
Rosie, well done! 3/5.
And, Chrise! Glad you enjoyed the challenge.
I've spoken to everyone else earlier, so, here goes:-
1. food-fish = cod; cold = raw (weather reference); cold-rolled = war; ‘stuffed with’ = co(war)d = COWARD = chicken (sl).
2. lift = take up; a bolt = an arrow = a quarrel; TAKE UP A QUARREL (Shakesp) = to settle a dispute (Chambers D)
3. put out = douse; ‘hog’ being transported = ogh or gho; d(ogh)ouse or do(gho)use = DOGHOUSE (sl) = a place of disgrace
4. catch = cop; in preference to = or (Chambers Thes); (taking = +) ‘into’ organisation = tion; giving, CO-PORTION (n) = a share (Chambers Dict.)
5. Sapper = Herman Cyril McNeile (author); busy = a detective; Sapper’s busy = (Capt. Hugh) ‘BULLDOG’ DRUMMOND which is an anagram (problem) of “old blond mum + drug”
I'll hang about for a few moments and then it's Knife & Fork (and shovel) time again. Yeehaw!