That's a good shout GK,
I'm impressed mate. If you scan it and send me your filled grid, I will let you know if it's all present amd correct as they say.
Yeh, I'm a bit miffed that I didn't get a good grip on the Harpers last night, but the same has happened with the Sat Times 25,227 tonight, just spent half an hour on that, and only managed 4 answers. I do think that some days my brain in more keyed in than others, I've been really tired the last two or three days though and maybe that's why.
I seem to have stirred up some interest on my 'Grammar check' thread tonight, I will treat it as a lesson in English (my grammar skills have never been up to much really)
I may start to ask for the help of a more learned forum member to help me edit the final print in future because even I'm sure some of the punctuation isn't correct, but I can't keep sending emails to ask, I'd just sound like a bothersome thick git!
Anyway, did you enjoy this month's offering, and do you have any favourites from the setters?