Hi, Magworth and Chris4food. Thank you for your concerns.
The burglars certainly were not very nice. We thought they had filled the burglar alarm with water to silence it, but it seems they had passed it through their kidneys first. Savages. It is very pleasing that they got caught. Only parental devotion made the cold car just about pardonable.
Sadly, Mrs P is not here to provide warmth at present. She is somewhere in Belgium at the moment with our granddaughter. Still, I do enjoy a wee while on my own. I can eat, sleep and watch telly when I want, without having to fit in with the needs and desires of someone else. Not only that, there is no voice reminding me of the evils of tobacco.
Collected Mrs Ps car from repairers yesterday and was glad to get rid of the Ford Galaxy we were given as a courtesy car. It was very thirsty. You would think it used petrol when it was sitting still. Anyway, I suppose it was handy to have.
Good to see I wasn't alone struggling with this week's crossword. At one point, I thought I was going to have to admit defeat.
Best wishes for now.